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Decals: SP Patch and Reweigh Data Set

Decals: SP Patch and Reweigh Data Set


Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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12 in stock

Extra-Large Decal Sheet. This set allows you to apply patch and reweigh updates to your HO scale 70-ton boxcars, as well as other freight cars. At regular intervals, freight cars are shopped and reweighed to annotate how modifications and/or altercations made along the way alter the car's load capacity. Originally, the FRA required that railroads apply a shop stencil location alongside the date identifying where the inspection and re-weigh took place. After 1980, requirements changed where only railroad identification was required. This set includes a large collection of SP shop stencil locations, as well as a proper month-year combo from 1975-1985. You also have a complete set of "SP only" stencils for dates from 1980-1985. Each date option is available in multiple typefaces, as well. This set also includes colored patches you can use under these dates and shop codes to patch your freight cars, including foreign road cars that might have been shopped at SP locations. Finally, you also have a number of patches from other railroads you can use on your SP freight cars to reflect how SP cars look when serviced at other railroad locations. These stencils are offed on colored panels or as plain text you can apply over Microscale trim film or your own paint work. Most all these examples were pulled from actual photos; prototype application varies widely, so you'll find lots of variation in how these reweigh patches get applied.           

APPLICATION: This set allows you to apply patch and reweigh updates to your HO scale 70-ton boxcars and other freight cars. The set includes dates from 1975-1985, and a few beyond. Apply the lettering over your own paint patch work, or use the colored patches offered as part of the set. 

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